....is My Pages

Monday, September 29, 2014

....is Feta & Grilled Onion Sandwich

About six weeks after I met CPB, I moved to Seattle(ish). I planned on the move for almost a year, everything was booked, rented and set for one year working in the Pacific Northwest. While I would never (ever) recommend a long distance relationship we did come up with a few things I really enjoyed during my time away. We were able to see each other almost once a month, I came here, he went there, we met in Denver one time and spending time together was wonderful. We would talk on the phone most days, even if it was only a few minutes on the way to or from work, it's not the same as being together in person but it was nice to hear his voice. We also took pictures throughout our day and emailed them with a few captions, something I eventually turned into an adorable set of Blurb Books. And, my favorite thing we did, long distance date night, or dinner 'together apart'.

Every week we would take turns picking a recipe. Mine tended more towards a California fresh theme and his choices were usually a southern soul food variation. (You can see most of the recipes here and probably figure out who chose which dish.) We would make dinner together, over the phone, sit down and eat together-apart, usually with a nice beer. It's harder to have a natural conversation over the phone, 'how was your day?', 'how was work?', and 'how's the weather?' become a little redundant. (Especially when it was always grey where I was and always perfect in southern California.)

What does this all have to do with a Feta & Grilled Onion Sandwich, you may ask?
This sandwich is the second long distance date night CPB & I made together-apart. (Only with better pictures, you can see our original creations here.) 
I think it tasted better making it together in the same kitchen.

serves two, together

4 slices delicious bread, toasted
4 slices feta
1/2 onion, sautéed and deglaze in port wine
2/3 cup pan roasted whole grape tomatoes
1 cup mixed greens, dressed with olive oil & lemon, salt & pepper

Sautéed onions with a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat, slowly, be patient. Once they are translucent, soft and sweet they will start to turn a carmel brown color. Deglaze with a few Tbsp's of Port Wine (another wine or vinegar, even beer will work too). Set onions aside and add whole tomatoes to the pan, increase the heat to medium high.  Cook tomatoes util they blister and begin to open, if you have a splatter guard this is a good time to use it, a pan set at an angle (so the steam can still release) will also work. 

To assemble, toast bread, drizzle each piece with with olive oil, salt & pepper. Add a pile of the onions, the slices of feta & the pan-roasted tomatoes. Top with a handful of the dressed greens and remaining piece of toasted bread

Happy Cooking Together or Apart!

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